A Tattoo Academy Has Now Opened in Northern Ireland

A Tattoo Academy Has Now Opened in Northern Ireland

You can now learn to tattoo, pierce or perform beauty treatments at a new school in Belfast.

A brand new school named The Academy located in Glengormley in Northern Ireland (Just outside Belfast) has now opened its doors and is taking bookings for its upcoming courses in tattooing, piercing and beauty treatments.

The Academy will be opening a doorway to everyone who wishes to learn a trade to then develop a career within any of the above sectors including tattooing, piercing or beauty therapy. 

All of the courses taught within The Academy are run by award winning artists and other very well qualified individuals who understand their field inside and out. Having had the opportunity to teach many throughout the years how to enter these industries, The Academy decided it was time to enable others to live their dream lives by working in sectors which typically are very difficult to get involved with.

You can learn to tattoo if you are from Northern Ireland, Ireland or even mainland UK at one of the courses operated by The Academy. Everyone is provided with an equal opportunity to start earning fantastic money by the end of the courses.

If you would like to learn how to tattoo or even how to pierce, make sure you look at The Academy website which is located at www.TheAcademyUK.co.uk or even give one of the team an email at hello@theacademyuk.co.uk

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